Code: 6651
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The 8803 dual-channel equaliser and filter follows the grand tradition of Neve® processors. Modern producers and mixing & mastering engineers looking to shape sounds with unrivalled sonic purity see the 8803 Dual Channel Equaliser as the superior choice.
The 8803 uses an electronically balanced input stage, providing ultimate transparency. In addition, each input has an independent +/- 20dB trim for accurate stereo balancing of incoming signals before adding EQ processing.
High pass and low pass filtering, positioned before the 4-band EQ, can be activated independently for each channel. In addition, filters can be ‘swept’ dynamically using the continuously variable pot controls delivering musical results. The HPF runs from 25hZ to 300Hz and the LPF from 3kHz to 15kHz at 12dB per octave.
A continuously variable frequency band of 33Hz to 440Hz and +/-18dB of gain gives ultimate control over the entire bass range ranging from sub to low-mid. In addition, the low band curve can switch from shelving to bell curve with two Q settings, providing wide tone-shaping or precise frequency manipulation.
The fully parametric low-mid-band features sweepable controls for frequency, gain and Q bandwidth. Low-mid frequencies can be tightly or broadly adjusted depending on the program material, with a frequency range of 120Hz to 2kHz with +/-18dB gain and bandwidth settings from 0.3 to 7.
The fully parametric high-mid-band features sweepable controls for frequency, gain and Q bandwidth – ideal for finely tuning a vocal. High-mid frequencies can be tightly, or broadly, adjusted depending on the program material – with a frequency range of 0.8kHz to 9kHz with +/-18dB gain and bandwidth settings from 0.3 to 7.
With a sweepable frequency band of 1.5kHz to 18kHz and +/-18dB of gain, ‘air’ can be added or subtracted from a signal. In addition, the high band curve can switch from shelving to bell curve with two Q settings for wide tone-shaping or precise frequency manipulation.
The 8803 features parallel XLR and TRS outputs, ideal for splitting into multiple recording outputs or creating unique mastering processing chains.
Efficiently recall your sessions by connecting the 8803 to your PC/Mac via USB and opening the interactive Neve® Recall software program. Routing and switching are handled automatically at the push of a button, whilst the 8803’s rotary pots are manually tracked to their stored positions – in a matter of seconds.
The 8803 left and right channels can be perfectly stereo matched via the Neve® Recall software. In addition, you can change the settings on one channel and then transpose those settings over to the adjacent channel – ideal for mastering.
General Specification
EQ Specification
Audio Performance
Width: 48.2cm (19 inches)
Height: 4.4cm (1¾ inches)
Depth: 24cm (9½ inches) – without power socket plugged in.
Weight: 2.5kg (5½ pounds)