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Λογισμικό Notation

Sibelius 8

Κωδικός: 3912

Music Notation and Arrangement Software

Τιμή: €628.00
Τιμή: €628.00
Τιμή Online: €599.00
Τιμή Online: €599.00
Κερδίζεις €29
Κερδίζεις €29
including 19% VAT Excluding VAT (For shipments to Non EU countries, or intra community upon VIES Validation) price, to be calculated during checkout
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Edit scores more easily

Thanks to popular demand, you now have more flexible layout and composition possibilities to best present your score. Work faster with the updated Inspector interface, which now offers more flexible access. Change staff sizes by system, individual instruments, and groups of instruments to create a clear and perfect looking score. And gain fine control of the new staff sizes in Engraving Rules.





Make music easier to learn

Music doesn't have to be so black and white. With the latest Sibelius, you can now color individual notes and/or chords, giving students a more enhanced and visual way of learning to read and write music notation.





Get better rest

Inserting rests into your score is now easier and more intuitive. Whenever you add one, Magnetic Layout automatically repositions the rest to align optimally with the phrasing of preceding notes—no manual fixes required.

Create easy-to-read scores faster than ever. Plus, you can now move rests and notes horizontally in your score.





Re-spell and repeat with ease

It's now possible to have the same pitched note display a different accidental in any part compared to the rest of the score. You can also create concise first, second, and third time bars that appear and play back exactly like you'd expect them to, eliminating manual correction. Plus, all time signature changes now appear after the barline but before repeat barlines by default





Share your score

Want to share your composition with a colleague, client, or friend? You can now export your composition as an MP3 audio file for faster file transfer that won't hit email size limits.





Write music with a pen on a Surface Pro

If you own a Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablet, you can now add and edit notes quickly with just a tap of the pen. This makes it easier than ever to fine tune your compositions on the go. Plus, you can play back your music using the tablet's onscreen keyboard and fretboard.





Add notes and comments

Sometimes you have a great idea, but you forget to write it down. Then the next thing you know, your idea is gone. The new Annotate feature allows you to add notes directly on the score—you can create reminders for yourself as you’re composing, or communicate edits and feedback to others.





Use multi-touch gestures

With Sibelius, you can create scores faster than ever before thanks to an advanced user interface. You can navigate and edit even the most complex scores quickly using multi-touch gestures on your laptop trackpad or Surface Pro 3.

    • Write music with a pen on the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablet
    • Quickly add and edit notes with a tap of the pen
    • Streamline collaboration by using the new Annotate feature
    • Add notes, edits, and instructions directly on the score for others to review
    • Interact with scores intuitively using multi-touch gestures like pinch-zoom
    • Get up and running faster than ever with a simplified activation process
    • Work faster and see more detail with the updated Windows interface